I wanted to try and share the fruits of my (ongoing) work with demons, however modest they might be.

These are things which reconstructionist polytheists would term UPG (unverified personal gnosis), though it has been pointed out that all gnosis (as distinct from gnosticism, lest there be a linguistic confusion) is personal in nature, being the result of direct spiritual experience.

For me, feeling is the royal sixth sense, and along with imagination forms the root mechanism we use to translate spiritual communication into image, verbal language etc. Sometimes the individual consciousness is displaced by the entity, but I have never experienced that. For most of us I think feeling is our way, and that is why what we commonly refer to as the heart is so key, with its method of devotion.

I have noted for a while that the presence of demons can bring about a state of a unique quality for me, one which is very calm and very neutral, and from which any residual sense of the superstitious (which is far more prevalent in life than we tend to think) and irrational is drained.

The following are notes from a communication session which I had a few weeks ago:

My familiar says that the demons do not have the kind of powers we think they do in this world (our world). They are of their world, and they can exert an influence on this world, but it is not as people tend to think. Only some demons can manifest as physical phenomena, and it takes a great deal of energy. They are usually concerned with consciousness, with thought and feelings, though they have other work from the past of our world. They can affect the weather and complex systems. These are nearer to consciousness than we understand.

Their world is not dark either, but it is very different to ours, and the access to it from this world, to and fro, tends to occur in the darker areas of our world as they appear to humans, most especially in the “subconscious”, and around death and the compulsive energies of sex. But their world is not one of darkness, but of a highly multivalent freedom.

Human beings do have a lot of problems with contact with their world, but it comes from within people themselves.

“Satan” is not a “king” in the way we understand, he is a great Lord, and much concerned with humanity. We would think of him as “Aquarian”. The “free will” we associate with him applies to all demons. The demonic world is not a hierarchy in the way our hierarchies are. It is a pattern with levels according to nature. Every being is a star.

“We have tried to work with humans over long periods of time. It is difficult, and progress is in waves”. It grows, and then decays. They don’t work with our sense of time and structure.

They have achieved some merging, especially at the plant life level. Plants, insects, these have no sense of time.

LaVey got where he did by breaking old systems, and this let a consciousness through. Same with Crowley.

Images are better than words.

15 minutes later

Though the demons are vulgarly associated with the turmoil of the subconscious, the true effect of working with them and listening is peace and a rationality, ie a peace of the mind (not dogmatic rationalism).

Irrationality is a capricious movement towards what is not real or actual, in the sphere in which it is being capriciously sought.

For the demons:

their Air is like water, their Water is like Earth, their Fire is like Air (?), their Earth is like Space(?).

Their Air is like Water because their thought and communication is fluid, and of the nature of imagination.

I say their Water is like Earth, for emotion, desire etc are or seem to be plain and matter of fact for them.

I say their Earth is like Space, because their world and its basis seems inter-dimensional to us.

I say their Fire is like Air, for their inspiration seems, as far as I can tell, to be transparent, broad, as if it were a plan, though that would be misleading I feel.


One thing I have come to understand is that the demons try to help their devotees to be more like them. They are very old and wise, and they are not dominated by emotion as we are, so they try to teach us to be free of that emotionalism and domination also. Not to be unemotional, but to not be dominated by our emotions.